I help leaders and strivers* unblock obstacles and discover their long game so they can thrive.

*Strivers, you know who you are. Always striving for more in life. More from your career, better in your life. You know what your true potential is and you’re going for it or you’re looking to close the gap between where you are now and where your true potential lies. Ordinary is not good enough for you, you want extraordinary. You don’t want to play small. You are constantly striving for what’s next.

“What would it look like to set aside comparison, discover our own definition of success, and live life on our own terms? The patience, strategy, and consistent effort required to get there may seem like lost art forms. But to create the kind of interesting lives that we all seek, they’re essential - and it’s time to embrace them”

— Dorie Clark, The Long Game: How to be a long-term thinker in a short-term world

You want more from life or you aren’t sure what success looks like for you anymore. You’ve been working so hard to get to where you are and now that you’ve gotten here, you aren’t sure what’s next or maybe where the rest of your ‘life’ has gone. Does any of this sound familiar? You aren’t alone. I have been there. I reached all my goals by age 30 and felt like I had plateaued in my career by my early 30s with not much to show for it. But I redefined what success looked like for myself and started to thrive. You can too.

My purpose now is to do the same for others. Having worked with high-level leaders and strivers throughout my career - as well as being one myself - I know the obstacles you face. I’m here as your personal strategist to help you overcome those obstacles, gain clarity on your next steps, and discover your long game so you can thrive.

Work with Me

If you’re a leader or striver who has been playing small or thinking short-term for too long now, let me help you thrive.

Personal Strategist

As your personal strategist, I couple coaching with consulting/advising to act as a thought partner and empower you to develop and implement your own personal strategy. Through our engagement, we will work to remove any obstacles that are in your path so that you can take action and thrive.

Bespoke Coaching

You may have a particular focus area that you want to engage me in. All my coaching will involve an element of personal strategy, but bespoke coaching is for you if you have a particular goal in mind that you would like to achieve. This could be anything from a career transition to dealing with overwhelm.

Time to Thrive

Ready to Thrive Today? Book a 15-Minute Discovery Call and Let’s Talk.